Made In Japan
A platform for direct promotion of Japanese products in Middle East and North Africa
中東へのアラビア語ビジネスフリーペーパーでは貴社製品を中東へダイレクトに情報発信し、 現地の企業や投資家に幅広く興味を持って頂ける機会を提供します。
Millions of products are just a single step away from your door. Made in Japan Magazine introduces a wide variety of products, such as electronics, robots, foods, innovations, and machinery to help merchants, brands, and other businesses.
A few of our business initiatives include commerce, cloud computing, digital media and entertainment, and innovation. Also
through our affiliate companies, we participate in the logistics and local services sectors.
Business Matching
We help create partnerships between Japanese and Middle East companies. We support the building of win-win partnerships,
including the establishment of sales agencies, manufacturing subcontractors and joint ventures.
Through providing a list of potential candidates, selecting the best matches, setting up and assisting business negotiations, and
helping out all throughout the signing of the contract.
Made in Japan Magazine produced by “Middle East World Station Association in Japan” as a non-profit association which has won
several awards for the best magazine in Japan ,it acts as a bridge between Japan and countries in the Middle East and North Africa
to avoid communication barriers.
We target all wholesale suppliers, distributors and potential importers of Japanese products
Thousands of job seekers are attracted to our megastructure and operation. Globalization and a multi-cultural environment foster
strong bonds among its members. Through cross-border functionality, we are developing a new market and extending our reach in
Middle East and North Africa.
We strive to be the most customer-focused company . In the beginning and end, we put the customer at the center of every action,
program, and invention we do.